Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Is it a good idea to always use a Travel Agent?

Recently, I gave an informative "Lunch & Learn" presentation to a group of would be travelers at Reed Construction Data.
I was actually surprised at the amount of questions. I had a nice presentation to show, but because of the amount of questions, never got around to it. Several of the attendees have asked me specifics regarding travel afterwards.
Well, this certainly got me thinking. as a person who travels for business and pleasure, it can be hard for me to connect the anxiety involved with travel or vacation planning.
We've all seen the Expedia commercials...someone gets stuck in a mosquito infested resort or other hell-hole. Every frequent traveler has a story of being stuck in a bad hotel, plane, car or other situation.
How does the average person, who travels infrequently, insure themselves of a pleasurable experience? Two things, educate yourself on the destination, hotel options, etc. and USE A TRAVEL AGENT!

Agents can offer a few things to the consumer of travel;

1. Access to preferred rates. The travel marketplace is a convoluted web of alliances, partnerships and promotions. A good travel Agent will make you aware of any promotions or discounts you can receive going to your destination.

2. Experience with your destination. Every Travel Agent should have a network of other professionals to rely upon if they dont have direct knowledge of your destination. Rely on them rather than sites like tripAdvisor or IGOUGO.

3. A caring attitude. This is really the big one. There are some agents who operate as order takers. Need a hotel, then call them, here is the lowest priced, and your off the phone.
That's fine, and all Agents appreciate ALL of your business. Here is the BUT.
An agent should want you to have the time of your life, everytime you travel. Whether you are planning a 300 person around the world trip, or just an overnight trip, if I as your agent dont add value, then you'll just go somewhere else next time.

4. Confirmation. Let's say you are the tye that likes to do your own travel research. I am, that's why I got into this business. Most people these days will research on the internet or with a guidebook. Use your Travel Agent as backup that you made the right decision. Call thm up and give them the details of your trip, and the choices you've made (what flights, hotels, car, tours, etc), then let your agent research the same itinerary to see if they can come up with something better. The best part is, it doesnt cost you anything to use their research skills.

*** Just to be clear. Travel Agents get paid when you book travel through them. For most travel, there is no fee to you...the travel buyer. We get paid from the hotels, car rental and tour companies. Most of us dont get paid on airfare (although some agents charge a service fee to book airfare). If you are going to use your agent as your researcher, when your ready to book, go back to your agent.

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